Executive time versus Engineering time

Executive time versus Engineering time

Estimating how long something takes is always a problem, especially when you factor in the external "influences" the person doing the work has to navigate within the organization. The other factor is the overriding culture of the organization. Is it a learning culture that stimulates open and honest discussion or is it a punishing organization where it is better not to fail, rather than taking risks that might lead to failure (i.e., playing not to lose vs playing to win)?

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My schedule keeps slipping every week

My schedule keeps slipping every week

This is a question we have heard countless times. The schedule is constantly slipping. The PM is blamed for not managing the team. The team is blamed for not sticking to the schedule. The management is blamed because people are working on too many projects and there's not enough time in the day to do them all. The most important project is the one that's the latest.

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