Increase Product Success

Increase Product Success

Increase your new product success rate by finding the root causes of poor performance and translating these into selection criteria to pick better products (to develop). This process also uncovers issues that are causing the wrong products to be defined in the first place. Better failure analysis, i.e. why do some new products miss their targets?, can be translated into better new product selection criteria so that more good ideas get into the development pipeline than bad ones.

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The Duration Game

The Duration Game

Why break-down long duration activities that fall within the near-term planning window (i.e. next 2 months)? Following, is a discussion of why this is important and how best practice teams do it. Call it “the duration game” because it is one of the most common games we see played out between those that manage and those that do. We know you’ve seen this next example on your last project.

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Accelerate Pain

Accelerate Pain

High Performers… Rather than delay “pain,” they accelerate the threshold and force issues out early, rather than avoid them, delaying confrontation. They knew that when confronted early, they were afforded more time to fix the problems. This “early schedule” or before-the-fact behavior is a core characteristic of these high performers. We’ve also seen the concept extended to create corporate cultures that rewards before-the-fact action.

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Accelerate... Finish On Time

Accelerate... Finish On Time

You have to accelerate the schedule in order to be on time. In other words, you need to pull-in the schedule just to be able to meet the committed target date. This is called "time banking." You accelerate to gain time now, since you know unexpected things will happen in the future, where you will need to use that banked time. What is certain, is uncertainty! Only a fool assumes a plan will materialize as planned.

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The Challenge Game

The Challenge Game

The underlying concept is to track schedule trends and use the movement to predict future events and/or to generate energy today to influence the future. Challenge Targets are the most aggressive form of a schedule goal. Many times, Target Dates are confused with the “real” schedule. The Target Date is when something is “wanted,” but this is not always when it will be delivered. Knowing the gap between when it is wanted and when it can be delivered is one of the key factors that differentiated fast teams from the norm.

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