fastProject 4.11.0 Released
A milestone with negative float now displays the arrow head (same as the task)
Fixed problem where the critical path would not be displayed if a task’s starts date was equal to the current date but the task had not been rescheduled
Breakdown now renames the end milestone better when using a prefix
Added more verbs to the breakdown/naming the end milestone
Added a feature to prevent the use from directly changing the % Complete, unless the Finish date is in the past and % Complete = 100%. If the user attempts to change the % Complete, a message will appear advising the user to use Update Task to update the task.
Standardized format of dates in the “Last…” to be dd-mmm-yyyy” format
Fixed problem where the Finish date of a milestone was not displayed in the Gantt chart
Fixed problem where a Challenge/Window (Early) date was positioned at the end of the day rather than the beginning of the day.
S-Phone Good.mpt fixed
Changed icon for “Show/Hide Changes”
Updating a newly added task with no predecessors (i.e. sits at the Project Start date), will get a start date of the previous day by default when updated as started. This avoids the problem of adding a task then have to cycle through potentially many months on a long program to get to the correct start date.
When importing a Lookahead Report (LAR), if all subtasks of a summary are completed, the end milestone will now automatically be completed, as will it’s Target if present.
Now have the option to include/exclude Roll-up tasks when generating the Update Report
Fixed startup position of the Update Progress form
Bug fixed where Baseline 0 is now not overwritten if set and doing a first update
Bug fixed where inconsistent updates were being caused by inactive tasks. Inactive task are now ignored.
Bug fixed where the number of iterations during a roll-up vs. a roll-up once was the wrong way around.
Bug fixed where a task being marked 100% complete would cause the Update to crash.
Fully re-vamped Analyzer:
Greater than 100% speed improvement
Fewer core (essential) tests (down to 6) with the option of seeing the non-core tests under the new “Extended Tests” dropdown
Three errors now fixed automatically when the Analyzer is run:
Manual scheduled tasks (converted to Auto scheduled)
Durations not expressed in days (includes lags on dependencies)
Updates in the future that obeys the following rules. If a task has a
Start date in the past and a Finish date in the future > Updated up to the current date, same Finish date
Start date = current date, the task is made started as of the previous day, same Finish date
Start date in the future, the task is reset to Not Started and will be flagged by the “Not updated” test
Excel report option removed, Narrative added to fastProject Documentation > Analyzer
Future date constraint checks now ignores Summary tasks
Inactive Targets are now not included in the Targets dropdown
Can now “Scroll Through History” if Baseline 0 is set, even if there’s no updates.
Fixed problem where targets did not appear in the Inspector if the current date was past the Target date
Fixed problem where tasks (rather than Summary tasks) were not inactivated/activated when used through the Inspector version of Inactivate
Roll-down only option added
Bug fixed in Late Simulator where the Targets in the list should not have included those excluded from the Wigglechart