fastProject 4.8.11 Released
Breaking down a task into parallel tasks now links all tasks to the summary’s end milestone
Added “Update prefix” to the shortcut menu
Milestone name now labeled correctly when breaking down a task with a prefix
Inserting a Touchpoint, Checkpoint or Deliverable now copies over the Core Team Member, Activity Owner and Function from the selected task to the Touchpoint
Fixed bug where inserting a Touchpoint before a Summary task would likely the Touchpoint to the Summary task. In this case, the Touchpoint is simply not linked.
Can now “Update” a prefix for tasks. Simply select one or more subtasks within a group with a prefix to add/update the prefix for the selected tasks.
Milestone Owner renamed to Core Team Member
Added “FP::completed within date range” filter so allow the user to display all tasks completed within the user-selected date range
Showing Actions now does not include the Notes column
PreFresh Report now displays Core Team Member and Notes by default. The notes are empty and allow the person responsible for updating the task to add color to the status update. The notes are imported to the task’s notes and date stamped.
PreFresh report now shades the Remaining Duration/Finish Date cell yellow (with supporting text) when the Finish Date exceeds a threshold. The default threshold is 30 days, but can be changed through the fastProject Options > Update tab.
Bug fixed when updating a single task could cause an error if cursor was in the lower pane.
Added “Show All Excluded Tasks” under the “Analyze” dropdown to show all tasks that have been excluded by the Analyzer