fastProject 4.9.1 Released
Filter Task/Filter 2 Tasks fixed
New filter added to filter on all incomplete tasks within a date range and no summaries
Modified unique code generation when requisition a license to avoid hidden characters
New (simpler and faster) PreFresh report along with a new improved (faster) PreFresh import (both default default and advanced)
Improved LAR formatting when uploaded to Google Docs
Added new function/filter in sub-menu: “Show tasks updated on”
Fixed bug where the Start date of tasks with their Touchpoint flag set would get moved to their Finish date
Macro-Micro Roll-up
Fixed bug where the roll-up dates of a Summary task in the micro schedule were being reported as not matching with the macro due to a Target in the Summary task (specifically, when the Target was later than the finish date of the Summary)
Fixed similar bug when the Target date was earlier than the start date of any subtask, and thus reported an incorrect start date of the roll-up summary task
Fixed bug where the update date wasn’t recorded in the macro under some circumstances
Fixed bug where the update date wasn’t updated in the micro
Spurious Black dots on the Wigglechart fixed
Trend Analysis now extended to all tasks and can be based on a partial part of the task name
Fixed problem where tasks exceeded from analysis were reported as errors for the tests Summary No Milestone and Skips End Milestone.
Fixed bug where Roll-down touchpoints on tasks had their date changed by the schedule clean-up function, which ended up moving the start date of the task out to the Touchpoint date
Brand new Critical Path Analysis chart
Added ability to do a late report for All Targets in the schedule
Late Report:
Now includes both Late Start and Late Finish - the Split Bar now snaps so all columns are displayed
Fixed bug where all tasks were not displayed if the near-term critical paths mode was set
Fixed problem in the Critical Path Analysis chart where an incorrect Target could be displayed if the Wiggle milestone had Subprojects as a predecessor task.
Fixed problem with the “Select Target” pop up box opening up when the number of targets is more that the max number of targets (currently set at 40)