fastProject 4.8.7 Released
Warning when deleting a Target manually removed
Importing a schedule now
Sets the split bar up to the Duration column
Fits the schedule to the screen
Can now add prefix to multiple selected summary tasks
Bug fixed where breaking down an in-progress activity with a finish date in the past and tasks are not linked would cause an error
Doing an Unbreakdown now displays the task bar in the Gantt chart (since it may have been a Summary with the task bards hidden)
Updated training files
Link to Blog fixed
After an Update, the Inspector is now automatically invoked
Optimized the Refresh interface so the functionality works left to right
Bug fixed when trying to run the Wigglechart when the Wigglechart is open. The Wigglechart can be run when open, but only if opened via fastProject, otherwise the user will get a warning to close the Wigglechart.
Macro-micro Roll-up
New “Create Macro from Micro” function added. This will delete all subtasks to a roll-up task while moving external dependencies to the associated roll-up task
Added an additional test to check for Touchpoints in the macro - these buts be contained within a summary task
Updated Macro-micro Roll-up documentation
Added a new function “Find duplicate task names” which finds tasks with the same name that can cause problems with the roll-up
Added “Display timing analysis” as an option in the initial dialog box
Documentation updated (V2.0)